Monday, February 28, 2022

Some thoughts on delight for Monday morning.

Aunt Sudie's money box with note "This is my Lord's money" from early 1950's...

Through Jesus’ work on our behalf, we are recipients of the astonishing favor of God.

There is not a thing we can do to give God what He already owns.  Yet paradoxically, we can give  to God our worship in gratitude and thanksgiving, casting all our neediness upon Him and this pleases Him. This is the way we give glory o the already All-Glorious One.

Our worship is a continual act- we pray without ceasing, we praise without ceasing, we serve without ceasing, we work without ceasing,  and we give without ceasing.  I continually attempt to encourage my doctoral students that just as we do all things as unto the Lord, their work at seminary can and should be an act of worship. Colossians 3:17, 23-24 and  1 Corinthians 10:31 speak clearly to this reality. 

Giving of money can become transactional, if one treats it like paying bills we owe. I once heard Chuck Colson and John Piper have an exchange about the difference in duty and delight, and it has stuck with me all these years after that Ligonier Conference- Grace upon Grace. Worship is given to the Lord, but we live beneath our privilege if we fail to DELIGHT in the rendering of it.

One of the places where this privilege of delight has been neglected is in the act of giving a monetary offering. I won’t get into the debate over tithing versus grace giving here, but Christians often fail to pray over that check they write  and render up on Sunday morning and apprehend it as something holy and deeply meaningful. I have been guilty at times in the past of this and was deeply convicted of it. As a result, the rendering my offering has become a key act in my life of worship. 

But this is not just about whether one gives or not, nor about how much one gives. Billy Graham was credited with saying “Give me five minutes with a person's checkbook, and I will tell you where their heart is.” I get the general principle, but not all such giving is “of the heart.” What I am speaking of is something different-  the heart of worship behind the giving.

There is great danger in the kind of giving that divorces itself from worship. To extend that thought, treating our overall stewardship of finances as something less than an act of worship is a losing proposition for believers- God does not NEED our offerings, but we NEED to enjoy the delight of giving sacrificially and generously, both in the local body of Christ and to the Kingdom in general.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7: "Now this I say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully. Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver."

So I hope more than ever, believers will discover the joy and delight of worshipping God in all they do. 

Friday, February 25, 2022

The Hills of My Heart

In the hills of my heart is a dwelling place

Where my God sits on His throne

There I shall meet him face to face

For there He has made a home

In the hills of my heart  is the secret place

High and lifted up,  there he reigns

There He manifests himself to me in grace

And his love forever remains

I will look to  the hills  where my help comes from 

I will look to the hills of my heart

He has made his abode for to me He has come

And he will never depart 

In the hills of my heart love never fails

In the hills of my heart  my God prevails

For when I am weak his power avails

In the hills of my heart

In those hills we meet at a room at the inn

Where my God has made himself known

He has knocked at the door and entered in

And together we sup at His throne

I lift my eyes to the hills of my heart

This is where my help comes from

For the Lord who made both heaven and earth

Tabernacles there and bids me come

I will look to  the hills  where my help comes from 

I will look to the hills of my heart

He has made his abode for to me He has come

And he will never depart (Ro 8:39)

In the hills of my heart love never fails

In the hills of my heart  my God prevails

For when I am weak his power avails

In the hills of my heart

In the hills of my heart

In the hills of my heart

Psalm 121; John 14:21, 23; Revelation 3:20; Romans 8:31-39

Anthony Foster

February 25, 2022

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Chosen

God calls and draws us to Himself (John 6:44,65; 1 Peter 2:9-10) 

And He appoints us to believe (Acts 13:48) 

He creates in us a clean heart (Psalm 51:10) 

And works the faith that we receive (John 6:28-29)

He chooses us for salvation (2 Thess 2:13-14) 

Who’ll  be holy and without blame (Eph 1:4) 

He grants the act of believing (Phil. 1:29)

Saves us for the sake of His Name (Ps. 79:9, 106:8)

For Unless the Father draw them  

No one, not one, can come to Christ (John 6:44)

No one can come to the Father 

For the way and the door is Christ (John 14:6; John 10:7-9)

He calls us out of the darkness 

And into His wonderful light (John 11:43: 1 Peter 2:9-10)

It is God who grants repentance (2 Tim. 2:24-26)

And He gives blinded eyes their sight (Isaiah 42:6-7; 2 Cor 4:3-6; John 8:12)

It’s not by our will we’re born again (John 1:12-13)

By His will we’re born from above (1 Pet. 1:3, John 3:5) 

He predestines us to adoption (Eph 1:5)

Because of His great love (1 John 3:1)

He’s the author of our faith in Him (Hebrews 12:2)

According to His purpose it’s done (2 Tim. 1:9)

He predestines our salvation (Eph 1:5) 

And to be conformed to His Son (Rom. 8:29-30) 

So be diligent to make your calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10)

For if in Our God we learn to trust, we will endure (Phil 1:6; Heb 10:23)

Anthony Foster


#2800 in a series.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Every Step

Every step on the Calvary road meant “I love you”

Every step on the Calvary road meant “Trust my love”

This living proof that God has sent

Makes His love more than evident

This is His Love Incarnate sent down from above

Every step on the Calvary road meant “I love you”

Every step on the Calvary road meant “Hope in me”

Every step toward the rugged cross

Meant that true gain would come from loss

God’s righteousness would be displayed for all to see

Once and for all on the Calvary road

Closer with each step that he strode

Christ paid the sin-debt that we owed

Reaped the wages of sin with His death

It was finished and done with His last breath

Every step on the Calvary road meant “I love you”

Every step on the Calvary road meant “Sin will die”

Every step it was Christ’s intent

To achieve the purpose for which He was sent

For each step was a step to destroy the devil’s lie.

Every step on the Calvary road meant “I love you” 

Every step on the Calvary road meant “Peace will come”

Every step on that sorrowful path

Meant a sure end to the Father’s wrath

That was poured out against our sin on the Holy One

Once and for all on the Calvary road

Closer with each step that he strode

Christ would pay the sin-debt that we owed

Reaped the wages of sin with His death

It was finished and done with His last breath

Every step on the Calvary road meant “I love you”

Every step on the Calvary road said “Behold the lamb”

For that cross held the sacrifice

That would bring to us new life in Christ

For on that way of suff’ring walked the Great I AM.

Anthony Foster

February 21, 2022

Saturday, February 19, 2022

My Father

My Father chose me before time began (Ephesians 1:4)

My name is written on the palm of His hand (Isaiah 49:16)

All things come from my Father -for Him I exist (1 Corinthians 4:6)

So His loving discipline I will not resist (Proverbs 3:11-12)

Father of the fatherless and the widow’s defense (Psalm 68:5)

Father of Lights all good gifts You dispense (James 1:17)

Towards those who fear You, compassion You show (Psalm 103 :13)

You bless me with every blessing I know (Ephesians 1:3)

Oh I’ll be your child and  my Father  You’ll be (2 Corinthians 6:18)

Oh Father of mercies  I need your mercy (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

By the Spirit of Adoption as a son I draw nigh (Romans 8:15b)

And so by the Spirit, Abba, Father I cry (Romans 8:15c)

In my Father’s house I have a place to abide (John 14:2)

In You I’ll  take refuge,  in You I will hide (Proverbs 14:26, Psalm 32:7)

You are the potter, Father, this clay shall proclaim (Isaiah 64:8)

Oh Father in heaven I hallow Your name (Luke 11:2)

You love with a love that calls me your child (1 John 3:1)

Through your beloved Son we have been reconciled (2 Corinthians 5:18)

I am called your Child because I have believed (John 1:12b)

You gave me this right for Your Son I’ve received. (John 1:12a)

Oh I’ll be your child and  my Father  You’ll be (2 Corinthians 6:18)

Oh Father of mercies  I need your mercy (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

By the Spirit of Adoption as a son I draw nigh (Romans 8:15b)

And so by the Spirit, Abba, Father I cry (Romans 8:15c)

Anthony Foster

February 18, 2022

Friday, February 18, 2022

Cancellation Rag (II Timothy 4:3)

The time will come 

The time is here for sure

When sound teaching of Truth

Will not be endured

People won’t tolerate

What they don’t want to hear

To suit their own desires

And the things they hold dear

So keep the faith and keep your head

Endure hardship like the Bible has said

Preach the truth and evangelize

Fulfill your ministry and battle the lies

They find a smooth talker

To scratch their itching ears

And they’ll suppress the truth

To find what they want to hear

They’ll shut down the voices 

Till the facts they replace 

Exchanging the truth  

For the myths they embrace


The cancel culture train 

Is hell bound and rolling

It’s here and its now 

and their lies are controlling

The time is today, the time is today


So keep the faith and keep your head

Endure hardship like the Bible has said

Preach the truth and evangelize

Fulfill your ministry and battle the lies

Romans 1:25

2 Tim 4:3

Anthony Foster

February 18, 2022


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Come Quickly (Veni, Vidi, Vici)

You came, you saw and you conquered

You were in control ever step

Now your grace empowers our being

And by your grace we are kept

You’ll return to judge and to conquer

And no soul will dare to ignore

In glory you’ll reign o’er the nations 

It will be finished forevermore

So come quickly, Come quickly

Come quickly Lord Jesus  my King

Come quickly, Come quickly

Maranatha – what glory you’ll bring

The skies will break open because they can’t bear

The weight of your glory  that floods all the air

But till that day- Inhabit the song that I sing

Now I am a pilgrim and stranger

In a world where hearts can still yearn

We stand in the middle of the gap

‘Twixt your first advent and your return

So here we will labor as aliens

Strangers in a strange land

Awaiting your glorious presence

Fulfilling your promise as planned.

So come quickly Come quickly

Come quickly Lord Jesus  my King

Come quickly Come quickly

Maranatha – what glory you’ll bring

The skies will break open because they can’t bear

The weight of your glory  that floods all the air

But till that day- Inhabit the song that I sing

Anthony Foster

February 16, 2022

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Thin Places

As we linger in thin places caught ‘twixt heaven and earth

A veil that covers vision won’t yield for all it’s worth

Here in the in-between place where the skies and dust collapse

We walk in the ineffable where words can become traps

We wait for the collision, we pray  the veil be torn

Our cities lay deserted and not a soul will mourn

Escort me into glory, Lord, I’m waiting on the way

There will be no time to kill  on time’s dying day

And I will seek the thin places  right here in my soul

Walk through the bleak battlefields beyond my control

The words may be a-failing, and the prayers might turn to groans

But my heart is saturated  and there’s fire within my bones

There’s fire within my bones.

I feel my spine a-shiver and the mundane I transcend

I go down to the river where there is no bitter end

More than residual rapture and more than what I seek

Divinity reveals its light there beyond Zion’s peak.


I stand stunned within the silence and I fear I’ll be undone

For holy  are these moments here with the Holy One

Open my mind open my heart and draw me closer in

And up and out and over  where there is no thought of sin

And I will seek the thin places  right here in my soul

Walk through the bleak battlefields beyond my control

The words may be a-failing, and the prayers might turn to groans

For my heart is saturated  and there’s fire within my bones

There’s fire within my bones.

Anthony Foster

February 15, 2022

Ransom’s Price (The Cup and the Bread)

There is a cup of kindness, there is a cup of wrath

One will cure our blindness one holds destruction's path

There is a cup of mercy and one filled with our Sin

And everyone who’s thirsty will drink one in the end

There is a bread of heaven , there is affliction’s bread

One baked without leaven the other leaves you dead.

One is broken for our good the other starves the soul

Take and eat the living food or crumbs the devil stole.

Come drink the wine of peace eat the bread of grace

Come dine and find sweet release  and feel the Lord’s embrace.

Come drink of redemption’s price- the cost was paid for you

Come eat of the sacrifice that gives us life anew.

The cup of Christ is filled up with your ransom’s price

Come and drink of this cup of Grace that shall suffice

Come and eat of his bread the Father broke for you

Taste and see your soul fed by the Bread that is True.

Come drink the wine of peace and eat the bread of grace

Come dine and find sweet release  and feel the Lord’s embrace.

Drink deeply of redemption’s price the ransom paid for you

Come eat of the sacrifice that gives us life anew.

Anthony Foster

Feb 15 , 2022

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Stand on the Rock

Stand undeterred, and unflinching, unmoved, and untamed
Stand unbroken, unbattered, unafraid, unashamed,
Ask, seek and knock  And the door will open
Stand on the Rock. A place you put your hope in

Man can do his worst Satan can attack 
Despair and darkness  Can draw you off track
The enemy would slay you. It matters not if you stand
Stand on the Word of God, All else is sinking sand 

Stand on the rock, Never move. Never flinch. 
Never give the devil Even an inch. 
You have God's truth. Never apologize 
Never cave into  The devil’s lies
Stand on the Rock

Hold fast; safe in God’s hand Get down on your face
Just grit your teeth, and take your stand pray for God's grace, 
And walk into the wind  that would beat you back 
And leave you defeated. Go on and mount the attack

Stand on the rock, Never move. Never flinch. 
Never give the devil Even an inch. 
You have God's truth. Never apologize 
Never cave into  The devil’s lies
Stand on the Rock

Matthew 7:24-27
After a prayer by Owen Strachen
February 8, 2022
Anthony Foster