Sunday, August 14, 2022

How Long?

How long till the orphan’s cry will no longer be heard?
How long till the widow’s grief will finally be deferred?
How long till God’s justice  like a mighty river  rolls?
How long until righteousness like an endless stream shall flow?

How long oh Lord?
How long oh Lord?

When shall our deliverance come from the presence of sin?
How long till we enter into a peace that never shall end?
How long till there’ll be no suffering and tears are wiped away?
How long till we leave this world and see that glorious day?

How long oh Lord?
How long oh Lord?

How long till we do justly and love mercy?
How long till our haughty hearts walk humbly?

How long till the devil with his demons are cast down?
How long till your kingdom comes and we all cast our crowns?
How long till that glorious day arrives for which we have waited?
When your great redemption will  be fully  consummated 

How long oh Lord?
How long oh Lord?
How long oh Lord?
How long oh Lord?

August 14, 2022
Psalm 13; Ps 94:3; Habakkuk 1:2; Micah 6:8
Anthony Foster

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Thorn in the Flesh


I’ve a thorn in the flesh
Troubles come, ever fresh
For my strength never passes the test
This troublesome thorn
From the day I was born
Keeps me down on my face where I’m blessed

The thorn in this case
Is an entry to grace
A gift that presents now as pain
For here in my need
My Lord intercedes
And His presence and power attains

What this life requires I could never afford
For my resources fail constantly 
My limitations do not limit my Lord
Nor the mystery He works in me

The foolishness I nurse
Is disguising a curse
Leaves me undone and my sin confessing
But He forgives my sins
And my heart He will cleanse
For the thorns become  platforms for blessing

So the thorn is a grace
That drives me to embrace
The one who is my righteousness
For in suffering’s revealed 
The wounds that will heal
In my weakness I’ll boast that I’m blessed

What this life requires i could never afford
For my resources fail constantly 
My limitations do not limit my Lord
Nor the mysteries He works in me
By these mercies my heart is refreshed
These Blessed thorns in the flesh...
These Blessed thorns in the flesh...

2 Cor  11:30, 12:9
Anthony Foster
August 1, 2022