Friday, November 30, 2012

Emmanuel’s Song

Emmanuel’s Song

God so loved the world
That he gave us His only Son
Now our God is for us
So we’ll join the chorus
To declare what our great God has done!

At Christmas time we sing Christ’s praise
And gather his story to tell
For the reason he came
For the sake of the name
And to be our Emmanuel!

Oh come to us Emmanuel,
God with us forever to dwell
tabernacle in hearts
nevermore  to depart
And we’ll  go all the world to tell!

For though he was equal with God
Equality he did not grasp
He put off his glory
To write us the story
That fulfills more than we know to ask

For when he put on human flesh
And came to earth to dwell
On that Christmas day
He brought with him the way
To become our Emmanuel.

Oh come to us Emmanuel,
God with us forever to dwell
tabernacle in hearts
nevermore  to depart
And we’ll  go all the world to tell!

January 05

Anthony Foster

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