Wednesday, March 17, 2021

I Will Lay My Body Down

God of all my consolations
In you perfect peace is found
I will take my rest 
Lay my head on your breast
I will lay my body down

God of satisfying solace
As I abide I will abound
When nightfall takes its toll
My heart you console
As I lay my body down 

God who is my fortress refuge
To my dwelling-place I’m bound
I am safe from harm
In everlasting arms
Where I’ve laid my body down

God of all my heavenly comfort
When I’m laid into the ground
Even then I’m blessed
Entered into rest
When they lay my body down

The eternal God is your dwelling place, 
and underneath are the everlasting arms.” (Deuteronomy 33:27)

Nov 20, 2009/ March 7, 2021
Anthony Foster

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