Thursday, April 6, 2023

Triune Praise

Holy , Holy, Holy

Worthy of all Glory

Righteous Father, Spirit, Son

May Your Kingdom quickly come!

Praise the Father from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him all creation may His will be done

Praise You,  Holy Spirit for by You we know

The Love of the Father for His only Son

Oh praise the majestic, Holy Triune One!

Praise be to the Father, Praise be to the Son

Praise be to the Spirit who makes us all One

The Spirit indwells us as we are in Christ

Christ is in the Father so we are blessed thrice

Praise the Father from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him all creation may His will be done

Praise You,  Holy Spirit for by You we know

The Love of the Father for His only Son

Oh praise the majestic, Holy Triune One!

Holy , Holy, Holy

Worthy of all Glory

Righteous Father, Spirit, Son

May Your Kingdom quickly come!

April 6, 2023

Anthony Foster

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