Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Promises of God

Praise to the goodness of the Lord,
Who rules his people by his Word,
And there, to those who in Him live
His kindest promises He gives
Each promise, empowered by that Word
All creation heeds as it is heard
Much stronger than any other force
It makes all nature takes its course

Chorus: On the promises of God we stand
We know his Grace and understand
He cannot break His Word or lie
He fulfills every promise bye and bye.

Praise, everlasting praise, be paid
To him that earth's foundation laid;
Praise to the God whose strong decrees
Sway the creation as he may please..
The promise of the Lord is sure
This Word that forever endures
His Word is our security
Though life fades fast and friends may flee.

Chorus: ­On the promises of God we stand
We know his Grace and understand
He cannot break His Word or lie
He fulfills every promise bye and bye.

Then should the earth's old pillars shake,
And all the wheels of nature break,
Our steady souls should never fear
The times and trials that draw near.
Our everlasting hopes arise
To the world where the soul never dies
Where the eternal Maker reigns,
And His own courts his promise sustains.

Chorus: On the promises of God we stand
We know his Grace and understand
He cannot break His Word or lie
He fulfills every promise bye and bye.

After Isaac Watts
Anthony Foster
September 19, 2018

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