Thursday, October 3, 2019

Absolute Sovereign Almighty Love

The heart of God is inexhaustible
A spring of water that bubbles up love
His faithfulness flows like a mountain stream,
Forever flowing from up above.
For his steadfast love is abounding
And His faithfulness is ever new
The resources of his love are not limited,
Day by day they are faithful and true

Chor: Absolute sovereign almighty love
Limitless in power and totally free
Absolute sovereign almighty love
Entrusted to you and to me.
To fill up our deficiency.

So drink at this flowing spring all day,
Though year after year passes by
To generation after generation,
His spring of Love never runs dry.
God has an infinite treasury
Of lavish love our hunger to feed
It spills over as a gift to us sinners
A flood to cover all of our need.

Chor: Absolute sovereign almighty love
Limitless in power and totally free
Absolute sovereign almighty love
Entrusted to you and to me.
To fill up our deficiency.

For the Lord is a God of mercy
The Lord is a God of Great Grace
Slow to anger, abounding in love
And faithful through the end of our race
Till one day we see Him face to face.

Chor:Absolute sovereign almighty love
Limitless in power and totally free
Absolute sovereign almighty love
Entrusted to you and to me.
To fill up our deficiency.

“The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” (Exodus 34:6)
Anthony Foster
after a John Piper devotional
October 3, 2019

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