Tuesday, March 8, 2022

My Soul Rests Upon the Rock

The Rock is the firm foundation

For everyone who builds

The Rock shall be your cornerstone

The Rock ‘s will is fulfilled

What does our Rock  say? 

I will forever  abide

Build on me and you will stand

For in me you can hide

My soul rests upon the Rock

My heart shall not be shaken

I will cling unto the Rock

And I will never be forsaken

The Rock’s heart, it is not  faint 

His arm does not grow weak 

Don’t seek another confidence

Or for another abiding place seek

My soul rests upon the Rock

My heart shall not be shaken

I will cling unto the Rock

I will never be forsaken

Unchanging grace will be my stay

His covenant  is ever sure

All other ground is shifting sand

But the Rock of Ages endures

My soul rests upon the Rock

My heart shall not be shaken

I will cling unto the Rock

I will never be forsaken

Anthony Foster

March 8, 2022

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