Tuesday, January 30, 2024

We Are the Kingdom

The mighty King of Glory rules in heaven and on earth

Without Him we do nothing  that is of eternal worth

He is the Word eternal, the source life and light

Our strength is in our Lord, and in the  power of His might


Our King reigns in splendor, and He reigns o’er every breath

In Him we find our very source, the power of life o’er death

The one we pledge allegiance to is the ruler over all

He is worthy of our worship so on our knees we fall


We are the kingdom for we have a King

Made in His image His glory to bring

As priests in His service,  the impossible is done

Clothed in His armor the victory is won


He is the warrior and the groom, and we His Holy Bride

Our King is now our dwelling place- in His courts we abide

Our King died for his subjects so now for Him we live

We serve a sovereign Savior so all praise to Him we give 


We are the kingdom for we have a King

Made in His image His glory to bring

As priests in His service,  the impossible is done

Clothed in His armor the victory is won


Psalm 24; 2 Cor 5:15; Eph 6:10,12; 

Rev 19:11-14; Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9

January 30, 2024

Anthony Foster

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