Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Love in the Blood of the Lamb

Behold the Lamb, the Great I AM
Come the Devils’ works to destroy 
The Righteous One- God’s begotten Son
Come to bring the Father’s joy

Infinite and incarnate love
This love divine came down
Redemption’s source sent from above
In the house of Bread He is found 

Behold the Lamb who’ll shed His blood 
Before creation it was planned
He came to die for those who find
Love in the blood of the Lamb.

By the blood of the lamb we overcome
By the blood of the lamb we will love
By the blood of the lamb we are covered
Like a righteous robe.

Behold the Lamb once slain now stands
The Wondrous Worthy Son of Man 
Who takes away the sins of all Who find
Love in the blood of the Lamb.

Behold the Lamb who’ll shed His blood 
Before creation it was planned
He came to die for those who find
Love in the blood of the Lamb.

December 21, 2021
Anthony Foster

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