Wednesday, December 15, 2021

There But For the Grace of God

On my way to learn to die
I’ve found what my dreams are worth
They’re of no more value than the longings
Of every other soul on  earth
And every sinner carries
That same burden I once bore
Our greatest need is holiness
And to know what it’s all for

There but for the grace of God - Go I
He knows every step I’ve trod and why.
Not just what He’s spared me from
But what He’s led me to
And by His grace He will see me through

I see neighbors on the wayside 
Some are desolate and weak
Some are up to eyeballs deep in debt
The more they get the more they seek.
Some bask in their ease and pleasure
They escape behind their walls 
Some choke on a gluttons’ excess
Some run out when duty calls

There but for the grace of God - Go I
He knows every step I’ve trod and why.
Not just what He’s spared me from
But what He’s led me to
And by His grace He will see me through

Every one made in God’s image
A broken mirror bears
And a spirit deader than a corpse
And a fate each of us shares
We are all in this boat together
We’re all in the need of grace
We all need to get some mercy
As we run this rugged race

There but for the grace of God - Go I
He knows every step I’ve trod and why.
Not just what He’s spared me from
But what He’s led me to
And by His grace He will see me through

December 15, 2021
Anthony Foster

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