Friday, December 31, 2021

Trembling Joy

My name is recorded in the Lamb’s book of life.
I rejoice in the fact that I’m saved.
The suffering has purpose in spite of the strife
For I no longer fear the grave.

And I will tremble, tremble
I will tremble tremble
I will tremble tremble
Undone by the glorious sights
As with joy I live in my Christ

What I’ve been saved from is more than I know
Spared from the fate I deserve
Hell with the undying worm of the soul 
But God’s grace gives incalculable worth

And I will tremble, tremble
I will tremble tremble
I will tremble tremble
Undone by the glorious sights
As with joy I live in my Christ

Now with boldness I stand at the throne of God’s grace
And with confidence I will draw near
So with trembling joy I can transcend this place
And not longer be ruled by my fear

And I will tremble, tremble
I will tremble tremble
I will tremble tremble
Undone by the glorious sights
As with joy I live in my Christ

December 31, 2021
Anthony Foster

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