Thursday, April 28, 2022

Gospel Waters

For the sinsick soul, there’s a river 

Flowing down from Heaven’s throne

Gospel waters ever living

Streams of mercy are forgiving

Every sin that I have ever known

Baptize me within that river

Plunge me deep, there I would go

There You’ll wash away my Sin, 

Make me an old sinner has-been

For that River’s where the cleansing waters flow

Take me down (down down) to the river

Take me down (down down) and drown my Sin

Take me down (down down) to the river

In that Gospel water I’ll begin again.

Baptize me within that river

Plunge me deep- I’m born again

Gospel Waters wash and cleanse me

For to heaven Jesus sends me

Purify me on that road now I begin

Take me down to the river

Sink me in its undertow

Lord then grab me up and raise me

By your mercy you amaze me

But why you rescued me I’ll never know

Take me down (down down) to the river

Take me down (down down) and drown my Sin

Take me down (down down) to the river

In that Gospel water I’ll begin again.

Colossians 2:12, Romans 6:4

Anthony Foster

April 27, 2022

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