Sunday, July 15, 2018

Good News

If the heart of your heart was true
If you were faithful in all you do
If you do your good deeds
You would still be in need
Theres a Savior who’s meant for you.

For no matter the good report
Our souls will still come up short
We’re not holy at all
We still stumble and fall
Found guilty in heaven’s court

For all fall short and sin
God’s glory requires all men
To be perfect and just
So we’re all left to trust
In another the prize to win

We all need holiness
We all need to confess
We’re not perfect in any way
But there’s hope in the Son
He is the only one
Who can rescue and save the day

This is the good news
and it came here for you
There is hope and a way in Christ
All you do is believe
Then you need to receive
For salvation has paid the price

Come to him and be saved today
This is the time all your sin to lay
On the bearer of sin
So you then can begin
To walk the true and living way.

Anthony Foster
a simple song in the night
July 15, 2018

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