Sunday, July 21, 2024

Beautiful Savior


Righteous Redeemer, Ruler over all, Sovereign Savior You are our all in all

Oh cherished Lord we will pursue -You in our daily walk and cling to You

You are the glory of our souls You are the joy of our hearts

You hold all thing in you control, You both unite and set apart

Creation’s beauty glows from your right hand, And creation’s crown you say is man

But Jesus is the Adam who obeyed, so in the Cornerstone our hopes are laid 

All Blessing and honor glory and power belong to you our mighty tower

Wisdom and  thanks and majestic might belong to the Word who is the Light

Oh beautiful Savior, Your presence we savor

So let us live and abide in You

Oh Beautiful Savior, may we find Your favor

As we partake of the Way that Is True

As we live and abide in You

Oh sun, oh moon you only shine because You have been given as a sign

Our Jesus shines brighter than the heavenly hosts, In Him alone we raise our boast

For the good the beautiful and true find their source in only You

And nothing of creation’s splendor can compare to what your glory renders

Oh beautiful Savior, Your presence we savor

So let us live and abide in You

Oh Beautiful Savior, may we find favor

As we partake in the Way that Is True

As we live and abide in You

Rev 5:13

July 21, 2024

Anthony Foster

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