Monday, July 22, 2024

I Can Do Nothing

Between my soul and heaven’s horizon, 

My Savior intercedes

Betwixt my slumber and my rising, 

He cares for all my needs

There is nothing in this world 

With its precarious plight

That can thrill my soul like Jesus 

He is my hearts delight

He is my one mediator 

Between my Father and my soul

He is the sovereign ruler 

Who is in complete control

He is the only Savior 

Who pleads my case before the throne

So I have no boast but in knowing 

I am His very own

You are my soul thriller

You are my Sin killer

I can do nothing without You

You are my confirmation

You are my preservation

And with you the impossible comes true

But I can do nothing , no nothing without You

So through trials and tribulation, 

His providence sustains

His well timed grace and mercies 

Console me in my pain

So I will watch and pray and hope in Him 

I will not walk by sight

For the faith He gives yields victory, 

As I walk within His light

You are my soul thriller

You are my Sin killer

I can do nothing without You

You are my confirmation

You are my preservation

And with you the impossible comes true

But I can do nothing , no nothing without You.

John 15:5; Matthew 19:26; 1 Timothy 2:5

July 22, 2024

Anthony Foster

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