Monday, October 15, 2018

All in All

Hope of the hopeless, faithful and true
Help of the helpless, we turn to you
Guard of the destitute, strength of the weak
Go now before us to guide where we seek

Giver of mercy to souls in deep need
Key to the prisoner who would be freed
Anchor of souls left adrift in the flood
Our darkest sins are atoned by your blood

On our knees we shall fall
For you are our all in all
On our knees we shall fall
For you are our all in all

Refuge of remnants you become our home
Wanderers rest in you, no more to roam
Shelter of wayfarers lost in the night
Food for the hungry soul, be our delight.

Keeper of sheep, our protector and guide
Once we were exposed, now in you we hide
Wisdom of fools your great loss is our gain
You are the righteousness works can’t attain

On our knees we shall fall
For you are our all in all
On our knees we shall fall
For you are our all in all

Healer of hearts that were once made of stone
Sowers of seeds you harvest what you’ve sown
Author of faith what you start you complete
Until we stand before your judgment seat

Hope of the hopeless, faithful and true
Help of the helpless, we turn to you
Guard of the destitute, strength of the weak
Go now before us to guide where we seek

Anthony Foster
October 15, 2018

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