Friday, October 19, 2018

How Shall I Praise?

How shall I praise the eternal One
Who can ascend his dwelling place,
who can venture near his throne?
God's bold beloved go by grace

The Father of Lights-eternally
Arrayed in raiment shining bright
With his all-searching eye shall see
All secrets revealed in his sight.

How shall I praise the Triune One
The Father, Spirit and the Son
I will praise Him with my all
And early He shall hear my call.

Those watchful eyes that never sleep
Survey the world both night and day
His wisdom is a boundless deep
And all our thoughts to him display

Our mighty god, whose arm is strong
To save and keep, or to destroy;
Longsuffering grace he still prolongs,
And endless is his boundless joy.

How shall I praise the Triune One
The Father, Spirit and the Son
I will praise Him with my all
And early He shall hear my call.

In Him no shadows of turning
Nor variations wax and wane
For this surety we are yearning
Firm as a rock his truth remains

He'll not alter what he ordains
His promises his power guards
O'er all of life he rules and reigns
He is the God of just rewards

How shall I praise the Triune One
The Father, Spirit and the Son
I will praise Him with my all
and early He shall hear my call.

Demons before his presence flee;
How holy is his wondrous name!
His anger and his jealousy
Burn like devouring roaring flame.

Justice upon a dreadful throne
Maintains the righteous rights of God;
While Mercy sends her pardons down,
And ransoms with a Savior's blood.

How shall I praise the Triune One
The Father, Spirit and the Son
I will praise Him with my all
and early He shall hear my call.

Some words after Isaac Watts
October 19, 2018
Anthony Foster

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