Sunday, June 17, 2018

Greater Grace

With sovereign power and righteous love
God reveals His glory in Christ’s face
And makes the babes in knowledge learn
The heights, and breadths, and lengths of grace.

The mysteries of redeeming love
Are hidden from the wise,
While pride and carnal reas’nings join
To dim and blind their eyes.

Thus does the Lord of heav'n and earth
His great decrees fulfil,
And orders all his works of grace
By his own sovereign will.

God gives a greater grace.
God gives a greater grace.
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
God opposes the proud and makes the strong man stumble
God gives a greater grace.

For none can know the Father right
But those who learn it from the Son;
Nor can the Son be understood
Unless the Father makes him known.

Then let our souls adore our God,
Who deals his graces as he please;
Nor gives to mortals an account
Or of his actions or decrees.

God gives a greater grace.
God gives a greater grace.
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
God opposes the proud and makes the strong man stumble
God gives a greater grace.

Luke 10:21,22. James 4:6
After Isaac Watts
Anthony Foster
May 31, 2018

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