Sunday, June 17, 2018

Our God Reigns!

How beauteous are their feet
Who stand on Zion's hill!
How charming is their voice
That words of peace reveal!

Bringing salvation on their tongues,
Sweet tidings, their refrain:
Behold your Savior and your King;
He triumphs and He reigns!

So watchmen join their voice Raise up salvation’s strains,
Sound out the call Good News  has come! Declare that Our God Reigns!
Our God Reigns
Our God Reigns
Sound out the call Good News  has come! Declare that Our God Reigns!

How happy are our ears
That hear this joyful sound,
Which kings and prophets waited for,
And sought, but never found!

How blessed are our eyes
That see this heav'nly light
Prophets and kings desired it long,
But died without the sight.

So watchmen join their voice Raise up salvation’s strains,
Sound out the call Good News  has come! Declare that Our God Reigns!
Our God Reigns
Our God Reigns
Sound out the call Good News  has come! Declare that Our God Reigns!

Isa. 52:2,7-10; Mt. 13:16,17.

After Isaac Watts
Anthony Foster
My 31, 2018

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