Monday, January 31, 2022

Isaiah 57:18

Restore me Oh Lord restore me
My sin it is ever before me
Comfort me in my distress
Help me know how to confess
Take my life and to your Son conform me

You have seen my ways but you will heal me.
You will open my eyes to the real me.
I have gone astray but you will lead me
I have starved myself but you will feed me

He heals, he leads, restores and intercedes
Oh we are saved, saved! saved!
We fall in trembling joy as our sin is destroyed
Oh we are saved, saved! saved!

I resist your grace but you will break me
I resist where repentance would take me
Where I am broken make me whole
Turn my heart and take control
You promised ne’re to leave me or forsake me

The grace of God triumphs when we resist 
By creating praise where it did not exist.
He brings shalom to the far and to the near
And the peaceful  fruit of lips to those who’d hear

He heals, he leads, restores and intercedes
Oh we are saved, saved! saved!
We fall in trembling joy as our sin is destroyed
Oh we are saved, saved! saved!

Anthony Foster
January 31, 2022

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Come Lord Jesus

Let today be the beginning of a life
Let today be the beginning of a life
That will last, a life that will last
You are faithful in the future as in the past

Come Lord Jesus Come Lord Jesus
We wait for your appearing-Your advent is nearing

You promised your return
Would be soon and very soon
For this new advent we yearn
Be it morning night or noon

Let today be the beginning of a life
Let today be the beginning of a life
Life that has no end
Life without pain or loss or sin

Come Lord Jesus Come Lord Jesus
We wait for your appearing-For your appearing

This is our heart cry and heart song
It is for your very presence that we long
To see your face and gaze into your eyes
To have you draw us to your precious side

We abide in you each day
You are all that we hope for
Come quickly Lord we pray
To be with you forevermore

Let today be the beginning of a life
Let today be the beginning of a life
Life abundant, with no end
Life without pain or loss or sin

Come Lord Jesus Come Lord Jesus
We wait for your appearing-Your trumpet we will be hearing
Come Lord Jesus Come Lord Jesus
We wait for your appearing-Your judgment is nearing

Anthony Foster-After an anonymous tune I heard when a teen
January 29, 2022

Monday, January 24, 2022

Music Maker

Who put this music in my soul?
Who is the rock that makes me roll
You write each melody
And bring to me sweet harmony
You put this holy music in my soul.

Who put this music in my heart
Who makes my song a work of art?
Welling up inside of me
Springing from eternity
You put this holy music in my heart

Forming deep within my soul
Renew my mind and make me whole
It starts my heart to ring
And quickens my tongue to sing
Oh, holy conductor take control

Who put this music in my mind
Who stirs up rhythms and new rhymes
You’re the author of each verse
Of every lyric I rehearse
Music maker make your music mine.

Who put this music on my tongue
Who authored every song I’ve sung?
You’re the One who can compose
A symphony of notes and prose
You put this holy music on my tongue

Forming deep within my soul
Renew my mind and make me whole
It starts my heart to ring
And quickens my tongue to sing
Oh, holy conductor take control

Anthony Foster
January 24, 2022

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Lord We Believe

Lord we believe
In You we place our trust
For You are great and mighty 
And we are but dust

Lord we believe
To You we will adhere
We will follow in your way
As you draw us near

For even demons believe
And tremble as they do
Belief is more than mere assent
We cast ourselves on You.
For you are Faithful and True

Lord we believe
On You we will rely
You will be our only hope
Whether we live or die!

To trust and to adhere to
To rely on you alone
This is how we may believe
You claim us as Your own
We know as we are known

Anthony Foster
January 21, 2022