Man from Heaven, you are manna from heaven
Consecrated to us and sanctified
Bread of heaven, purest bread without leaven
Bread of life feed us and we are satisfied
Our sustenance, our nourishment
Fed by you, we hunger no more
As we eat this bread we remember
You were broken to become an endless store
Man from Heaven, you are manna from heaven
Consecrated to us and sanctified
Bread of heaven, purest bread without leaven
Bread of life feed us and we are satisfied
You met an impossible need
As you fed the hungry multitude
So as we hunger for more of You
Now You have become our final food
You gave for us your very flesh
This is the only bread we need
Everyday you are there for us, ever fresh
So on you we will feed…
Your presence multiplied to us
In this Bread alone we trust...
Man from Heaven, you are manna from heaven
Consecrated to us and sanctified
Bread of heaven, purest bread without leaven
Bread of life feed us and we are satisfied
March 21, 2024
Anthony Foster