Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Hope of Glory

Before the world’s foundations 

You secured our destiny

To walk in light and be conformed 

Christ in us  the hope of glory 

From glory to glory we shall change

In the twinkling of an eye

Now step by step we are surely kept

By a Savior who can never die

Our faith is weak, in you we find

What you began you will complete

You win the battle of the mind

Our sin will surely see defeat

Through trial and test we are shaped

Into the image of the Son

God’s anvil forms and conforms us

Until the craftsman’s work is done 


For His name’s sake and glory

Revealing His Godhood.

Amen and yea, God works it all

Together for our good

Let this be understood!

Until that day when glory when

His image in us restored

Then we shall surely be like him

Who is both Savior and Lord

Oh may that glory come soon, when

His image in us is  restored

Then we shall surely be like him

Who is both Savior and Lord

Colossians 1:29; Romans 8:28-29

October 1, 2024

Anthony Foster

There's No God Like Our God

There is no god like our God

God of wrath and righteousness 

God of reconciliation 

God of perfect holiness

Behold God is our salvation 

Worthy now to be adored

Our God is our strength and our song

And He has become our Lord

Compassionate and gracious 

He is good and He is just

Loving-kind and slow to anger

He is worthy of our trust.

Full of mercy and abounding

In faithfulness and love

He forgives our sin when we confess

For He reigns from Heaven above 

Our Creator and Redeemer

Our Sovereign and King

The righteous Judge and Ruler

Is the Lord o’er everything

He has set his favor on us

For his mercy ever flows

He sent his son to save us

Died for us but He arose!

There is no God like our God

God of Grace,  quick to forgive

Naught can ever separate us

For In Him we move and live

For eternal life He gives

We believe and so we live

We believe and so we live

We believe and so we live

Exodus 34: 6-8

October 1, 2024

Anthony Foster

Monday, September 30, 2024

This Rage of a Race (Lament for the Darkness)

Too many songs left unsung

Too many threats stilled my tongue

Where is that fire from when I was young?

Why do I keep clinging to this worldly dung?

Jesus my Savior who died in my place

You who still keeps on pleading my case

Now help me to kill my sin  by your grace

And to run this wretched rage of a race.

The darkness shall flee if we’re shining the light

If we’re spreading the flame that is bringing men sight

I want to burn brightly in my time and place

As I’m running this wretched rage of a race.

If I am the darkness Lord give me new sight

If I am taken captive, free me  for the fight

Give me power o’er  opposition I face

As I’m running this wretched rage of a race.

September 30, 2024

Anthony Foster


To Fight the Good Fight

Oh the depths of the darkness  I need to learn

The blackness of my Sin I need to discern

I would not be ignorant so teach me I pray

Convince and convict me of where I am astray

If my prodigal spirit’s whitewashed like a tomb

Lord, come sweep the leaven from every room

Prove to me where to what sin I am prone

Show me where I hold to my dead man’s bones

The invincible  shield of faith I would bear

Lord, Help me to do what is right

To take up the sword of my Lord I will dare

Lord help me to fight the good fight

That roaring lion came as an angel of light

Now I must confess he was an enticing sight

But He is a liar and he would destroy

Every hope and assurance that I can enjoy

You are my consolation, you will set me free

To be a sinkiller is my destiny.

So I will cast myself headlong on your grace

For I’m not alone on this rage of a race.

The invincible  shield of faith I would bear

Lord, Help me to do what is right

To take up the sword of my Lord I will dare

Lord help me to fight the good fight

September 30, 2024

Anthony Foster


Repentance (Where is the Grief?)

I don’t grapple for long Devastation is no danger

I too easily give up and Lament  is a stranger

How deep and how dark the darkness attains

How black and how evil the raging that reigns

My heart is a productive factory of sin

And the longer I linger I can’t seem to win

Where is the heartbreak, where is the grief

Where is the mourning for my unbelief

Repentance is an everyday thing

If we want to be free and we want to sing

A penitent spirit and a contrite heart

Will never be cast out but will be set apart.

When the  power to change the Spirit imparts.

Heartsickness becomes a calling of sorts

When I see where I am falling so short

But anguish need never lead to despair

But I have to get serious to care and to dare

Anxiety and anger would become my friend

But I’m convinced and convicted that is not my end

Oh the trauma of temptation The frustration of sin

I claim the joy of my salvation Lest misery win.

Repentance is an everyday thing

If we want to be free and we want to sing

A humble spirit and a contrite heart

Will never be case out but will be set apart,

When the  power to change the Spirit imparts.

September 30, 2024

Anthony Foster

Rejoice in the Lord (Under His Wings)

The joy of the Lord is my strength and my song

The name of the Lord is my delight

He is my deep shelter in the times of storm

My fortress in the new day’s light

The joy of the Lord thrills my soul each day

In joyous Jubilation I abide

He gladdens my heart as I rejoice in His Word

In His presence, my soul is satisfied

I will rejoice, I will rejoice

In my Creator Redeemer I am blessed

I will exult in wonder and bliss

As under His wings I shall rest

My joy is made full when I hope in the Lord

Forever my joy shall increase

Inexpressible,  glorious joy is mine

For His Love for me never shall cease 

I will rejoice, I will rejoice

In my Creator Redeemer I am blessed

I will exult in wonder and bliss

As under His wings I shall rest

1 Peter 1:8-9; Galatians 5:22; 

Philippians 4:4; Romans 15:13

September 30, 2024

Anthony Foster

Monday, September 23, 2024

Lord Have Mercies

Mercy that’s greater than any temptation

Mercy that’s greater than all our sin

Everlasting mercy is mercy enough

To cover our sorrows and the trials of men

Mercies eternal contrived our salvation

Mercies arise every morning anew

Now death and Hell cannot overcome

The fear of the Lord in the faithful and true

You are our bread and you are our dread

Oh Lord have mercy on us!

Lord may we tremble and may we rejoice

Oh Lord in your mercies we trust

Lord have mercy on us your possessions

Just in time mercies are coming our way

Forgiveness cleanses us in our confession

For mercy avails for each day

You are our bread and you are our dread

Oh Lord have mercy on us!

Lord may we tremble and may we rejoice

Oh Lord in your mercies we trust

Oh Lord in your mercies we trust

Psalm 51:1; Isaiah 8:12-13; Psalm 25:6

September 23, 2024

Anthony Foster