Friday, February 14, 2025

In God I Trust

We need holiness…

If we hope to see

The Lord of righteousness 

Then sin we have to flee.

But I fear I must confess

That’s not describing me-

I am One unholy mess,

That’s what I’m prone to be 

What a wretched reality!


But what God requires

He always will provide

He preserves me thru the fire 

Where I’m being sanctified.

Our Jesus never tires

In Him I can confide-

He lifts me ever higher

And devastates my pride,

And one day I will be glorified 


Declared just 

In God I trust

I cannot do what I must

But Christ in me can

Now before the throne I stand

As a righteous holy man


He chose before all time

The ones He also called

Grafted to the vine

He justified them all

Now glorified by the Divine

And by holiness enthralled

Now joined to the sublime,

The greatest and the small

We are ransomed from the fall…


Declared just 

n God I trust

I cannot do what I must

But Christ in me can

Now before the throne I stand

As a righteous holy man


February 13, 2025

Anthony Foster

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Day of Reckoning

We will all stand upon the holy mount

What is done in darkness shall surely come to light

And for our lives we will account 

This is the promise this is what is right

All is revealed when faith becomes sight


For Christ’s judgement is true

And His judgement just

His judgement is due

In this we trust

To every human soul

The judge is beckoning

Then justice shall roll

On the day of reckoning

The goats are separated there

From the Savior’s secured sheep

The wheat is removed from the tares

Then His harvest He shall reap

And His precious people He shall keep

For Christ’s judgement is true

And His judgement just

His judgement is due

In this we trust

To every human soul

The judge is beckoning

Then justice shall roll

On the day of reckoning

February 7, 2025

Anthony Foster

Laugh at the Devil

Hear the joyful sound-Oh you holy nation

Hear joy abound-In exultation 

So with great joy rejoice-In holiness revel

Lift up your voice-And laugh at the devil

With Great jubilation-We abound in delight

And great elation-In the depths or heights

So with great joy rejoice-In holiness revel

Lift up your voice-And laugh at the devil

The roaring lion will devour no more

When into the pit He is hurled 

For greater is He who is within me

Than He that is in the world

The serpents skull- He’ll crush at last

Then Evil is null- and Holiness vast

So with great joy rejoice-In holiness revel

Lift up your voice-And laugh at the devil

February 8, 2025

Anthony Foster

Covenant Keeper


Christ our sure security

Help us, Jesus, to endure

Our hope, our rock, our surety 

In you alone we are secure

Oh covenant keeper

Draw us near draw us deeper

Into the wellsprings of your love

Oh covenant keeper

You are the soul reaper

Plunge us deep within the blood

When we fear our faith would fail

Our surety shall attain

Your faithfulness will prevail 

And forever You remain

Oh covenant keeper

Draw us near draw us deeper

Into the wellsprings of your love

Oh covenant keeper

You are the soul reaper

Plunge me deep within the blood

In our suffering make us persevere-

Till our character is without blame

For character produces hope

And in hope well not know shame

For you sent your Spirit from above

To fill our hearts with your great love

So we praise the name above every name…

Oh covenant keeper

Draw us near draw us deeper

Into the wellsprings of your love

Oh covenant keeper

You are the soul reaper

Plunge me deep within the blood

February 8, 2025

Anthony Foster

Friday, February 7, 2025

In God We Make Our Boast

Sovereign protector, our sure defense

Here in the light of the unseen

forever cleansing each soul that repents

On the everlasting arms we  lean.

You hold us fast in your strong hand

To the uttermost you ordain to save

Our joy is to heed your command

Our hope is the promise you gave

In God we make our boast

All day long, all day long

Father Son and Holy Ghost

To you we raise our song

Now forever we shall praise

Your glorious Name for endless days

In God we make our boast all day long!

Our shepherd supplies all our needs

Our Guardian tower and shield

Oh high priest who e’re intercedes

To your will we desire to now yield

Draw us nearer, yes nearer our King

As we draw near to you in our hearts

Make us into living offerings

As your grace your sweet Spirit imparts

In God we make our boast

All day long, all day long

Father Son and Holy Ghost

To you we raise our song

Now forever we shall praise

Your glorious Name for endless days

In God we make our boast all day long!


We think of the days now gone by

How your mercy has ever prevailed

Help us persevere till we die

For your faithfulness has never failed

In God we make our boast

All day long, all day long

Father Son and Holy Ghost

To you we raise our song

Now forever we shall praise

Your glorious Name for endless days

In God we make our boast all day long!

Psalm 44:8

February 7, 2025

Anthony Foster

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Nowhere To Go

Jesus,  our Lord and our King

We are your ransomed redeemed

We have come to worship, to lift your Name on high

We’ll live this mighty privilege – Your light to magnify

To our Father we are reconciled

Each one now your beloved child

Now we live in the light of your truth and your love

Till our faith is made sight and dwell with you above

There is nowhere else where we can go

No one else has the life giving Word

So on this pilgrimage here below

We will stand on the truth that we’ve heard

Oh Spirit cause us to repent

From the Father and Son you are sent

Now you dwell within us, so true wisdom impart

Compel and constrain us, write the Word on our hearts

So in God’s promise we trust

We are  sinners that are declared just

We have come to praise you, Your name to glorify

We proclaim  to the nations that your redemption draws nigh

There is nowhere else where we can go

No one else has the life giving Word

So on this pilgrimage here below

We will stand on the truth that we’ve heard

In your presence our souls have been stirred

We will stand on the truth that we’ve heard

February 4, 2025

Anthony Foster