We need holiness…
If we hope to see
The Lord of righteousness
Then sin we have to flee.
But I fear I must confess
That’s not describing me-
I am One unholy mess,
That’s what I’m prone to be
What a wretched reality!
But what God requires
He always will provide
He preserves me thru the fire
Where I’m being sanctified.
Our Jesus never tires
In Him I can confide-
He lifts me ever higher
And devastates my pride,
And one day I will be glorified
Declared just
In God I trust
I cannot do what I must
But Christ in me can
Now before the throne I stand
As a righteous holy man
He chose before all time
The ones He also called
Grafted to the vine
He justified them all
Now glorified by the Divine
And by holiness enthralled
Now joined to the sublime,
The greatest and the small
We are ransomed from the fall…
Declared just
n God I trust
I cannot do what I must
But Christ in me can
Now before the throne I stand
As a righteous holy man
February 13, 2025
Anthony Foster