Sunday, June 5, 2022

Eternal Weight of Glory

The road is rough  and steep The narrow way calls as we  weep

I ache because, because I am- It is part of the righteous plan

In the fellowship of suffering We learn to groan as we sing.

Affliction is hard to bear We know life is not fair

We cry out in our pain Hoping loss will become gain

In the fellowship of suffering We become a living offering.

But this is not the end of the story-

This is how we learn to trust

God is working an eternal weight of glory-

As we hope against hope here in the dust

We learn to die for die we must.

Our days are full of grief Tempted unto unbelief

Amidst our  very pain Christ will verily sustain 

In the fellowship of suffering Death no longer has its sting

Now we shall be transformed Unto His death conformed

As we come this truth to know We will truly come to grow

In the fellowship of His suffering We find shelter ‘neath His wing.

Through suffering we persevere -Character will make us wise

God invests hope in every tear-And we shall see hope arise

Our hope of glory never dies-This glorious prize, let hope arise

For this is not the end of the story

This is how we learn to trust

God is working an eternal weight of glory

As we hope against hope here in the dust

As we learn to die for die we must.

Phil 3:10; Romans 5:1-5

June 5, 2022

Anthony Foster

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