Monday, September 25, 2023

The Chastening

Lord, unafflicted, undismayed,

In pleasure's path how long I strayed:

But you have made me feel your rod,

And turned my soul to you, my God.

I love your chastenings, my God,

They fix my hopes on your abode;

Where, in your presence fully blessed,

Your stricken saints forever rest!

What though it pierced my fainting heart,

I bless your hand that caused the smart;

It taught my tears awhile to flow —

But saved me from eternal woe.


You will not let me go my way

You will not suffer me to stray

For my Father will do all that it takes

To cause my stubborn will to break

O, had you left me unchastised,

Your precepts I had still despised,

And still the snare in secret laid

Had my unwary feet betrayed.

I love your chastenings, my God,

They fix my hopes on your abode;

Where, in your presence fully blessed,

Your stricken saints forever rest!

September 16, 2023

"Sanctified Affliction"

Hebrews 12:6; 1 Corinthians 11:30

After William Cowper

Anthony Foster (additional bridge)

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