My soul shall sing the greatness of my Lord
My soul shall sing the power of his Word
For by his Spirit he has opened up my eyes
He declares the Truth that calls me to arise
He has paid the debts that I could not afford
To stand astounded at holy love outpoured
This poor unworthy sinner he has declared just
By His mercy everlasting, in this I place my trust
My soul shall sing the beauty of the Son
The image of the father the begotten One
Veiled in flesh He embraced humanity
To save His chosen ones and set them free
My soul shall sing of the Holy Ghost
The spirit of my Christ and the Lord of Hosts
Who tabernacles in me for endless days
He fills my heart with joy, peace and praise
My soul shall sing, my soul shall sing
This will be my humble offering
A sacrifice of praise
On glory I will gaze
As I abide beneath his sheltering wing.
Anthony Foster
February 5, 2022
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