Friday, February 18, 2022

Cancellation Rag (II Timothy 4:3)

The time will come 

The time is here for sure

When sound teaching of Truth

Will not be endured

People won’t tolerate

What they don’t want to hear

To suit their own desires

And the things they hold dear

So keep the faith and keep your head

Endure hardship like the Bible has said

Preach the truth and evangelize

Fulfill your ministry and battle the lies

They find a smooth talker

To scratch their itching ears

And they’ll suppress the truth

To find what they want to hear

They’ll shut down the voices 

Till the facts they replace 

Exchanging the truth  

For the myths they embrace


The cancel culture train 

Is hell bound and rolling

It’s here and its now 

and their lies are controlling

The time is today, the time is today


So keep the faith and keep your head

Endure hardship like the Bible has said

Preach the truth and evangelize

Fulfill your ministry and battle the lies

Romans 1:25

2 Tim 4:3

Anthony Foster

February 18, 2022


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