Thursday, February 10, 2022

Stand on the Rock

Stand undeterred, and unflinching, unmoved, and untamed
Stand unbroken, unbattered, unafraid, unashamed,
Ask, seek and knock  And the door will open
Stand on the Rock. A place you put your hope in

Man can do his worst Satan can attack 
Despair and darkness  Can draw you off track
The enemy would slay you. It matters not if you stand
Stand on the Word of God, All else is sinking sand 

Stand on the rock, Never move. Never flinch. 
Never give the devil Even an inch. 
You have God's truth. Never apologize 
Never cave into  The devil’s lies
Stand on the Rock

Hold fast; safe in God’s hand Get down on your face
Just grit your teeth, and take your stand pray for God's grace, 
And walk into the wind  that would beat you back 
And leave you defeated. Go on and mount the attack

Stand on the rock, Never move. Never flinch. 
Never give the devil Even an inch. 
You have God's truth. Never apologize 
Never cave into  The devil’s lies
Stand on the Rock

Matthew 7:24-27
After a prayer by Owen Strachen
February 8, 2022
Anthony Foster

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