Saturday, May 21, 2022

A Thousand Amens

I will praise you with an upright heart

When I learn your righteous rules 

From your precepts I will not depart

I will flee the way of fools

From worthless things I will turn my eyes

And I will confess my sins

Your testimonies make me wise

As I offer up a thousand amens

A thousand amens I will voice

A thousand amens as I rejoice

We have heard  The more sure word

Lord help me understand

It shall forever stand 

A thousand amens I shall declare

A thousand amens frame every prayer

We have heard the more sure word

Your precepts are my command

And in them I shall stand

With your Word Lord, guard my way

And it will keep my whole life pure

Your Word I’ve hidd’n in my heart today

For it is steadfast as it’s sure

Sweeter than the honey in the honeycomb

Your word is a lamp and a light

This is the saving source of true shalom

Lord, in it- I will delight

A thousand amens I will voice

A thousand amens as I rejoice

We have heard  The more sure word

Lord help me understand

It shall forever stand 

A thousand amens I shall declare

A thousand amens frame every prayer

We have heard the more sure word

Your precepts are my command

And in them I shall stand

Psalm 119 

Anthony Foster 

May 21, 2022

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