Saturday, May 25, 2024

Till Faith Becomes Sight

I would fain all fame-For the sake of your name
Where you plant me I would grow-

With self crucified- I’m set free from pride

So my end I’ll surely know

I would seek to live-My whole life to give

All that’s in me, all I am

So may I decrease-That you may increase

Till your glory fills the land

For with hope my heart is sealed

While I walk here in the light

I will see my hope fulfilled

When faith becomes sight

So all that is in me, all that I am

Will glorify the Lamb…

For you died for all-Those who heed your call

Now to live for Christ alone

For His own name’s sake-Whatever it may take

To take refuge at your throne

To seek purity In obscurity

To be consumed in Your light

Then our loss is gain When we see your reign

When our faith will become sight

For with hope my heart is sealed

While I walk here in the light

I will see my hope fulfilled

When faith becomes sight

So all that is in me, all that I am

Will glorify the Lamb…

Eph 1:13; 2 Cor 5:7, 15; Phil 3:8-10;

1 John 1:5-7; John 3:30; Phil 1:21

May 25, 2024

Anthony Foster 

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