Friday, February 7, 2025

In God We Make Our Boast

Sovereign protector, our sure defense

Here in the light of the unseen

forever cleansing each soul that repents

On the everlasting arms we  lean.

You hold us fast in your strong hand

To the uttermost you ordain to save

Our joy is to heed your command

Our hope is the promise you gave

In God we make our boast

All day long, all day long

Father Son and Holy Ghost

To you we raise our song

Now forever we shall praise

Your glorious Name for endless days

In God we make our boast all day long!

Our shepherd supplies all our needs

Our Guardian tower and shield

Oh high priest who e’re intercedes

To your will we desire to now yield

Draw us nearer, yes nearer our King

As we draw near to you in our hearts

Make us into living offerings

As your grace your sweet Spirit imparts

In God we make our boast

All day long, all day long

Father Son and Holy Ghost

To you we raise our song

Now forever we shall praise

Your glorious Name for endless days

In God we make our boast all day long!


We think of the days now gone by

How your mercy has ever prevailed

Help us persevere till we die

For your faithfulness has never failed

In God we make our boast

All day long, all day long

Father Son and Holy Ghost

To you we raise our song

Now forever we shall praise

Your glorious Name for endless days

In God we make our boast all day long!

Psalm 44:8

February 7, 2025

Anthony Foster

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