Monday, February 24, 2025

Only Ever Better

Oh the hidden person of the heart may be obscure

Yet character and wisdom will attain

There's an imperishable beauty that endures

And it may grow in fields of suffering and pain

Our bodies may be failing, our hair is turning gray

As time rolls on Our vigor ever wanes

Our outward lights grow dimmer yet there will come a day

When all our losses will become our gains

Only ever better is what we’ll come to be

Only ever better as we are forever healed

Only ever better for all eternity

It comes to pass when Jesus is revealed.

Vanity is futile, by pride we are undone

We get worn down and worn out from the stress

Press on unto the upward mark -this race is being run

By grace alone so our hearts continue to be blessed.

Only ever better is what we’ll come to be

Only ever better as we are forever healed

Only ever better for all eternity

It comes to pass when Jesus is revealed.

Only ever better is what we’ll come to be

Only ever better as we are forever healed

Only ever better for all eternity

It comes to pass when Jesus is revealed.

February 23, 2025

Anthony Foster

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