Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Soul's Final Feast

Oh how we long for perfection
Lord how we long for your touch
We long to have you draw us to your side

Sure is our hope in election
Of your promises Lord we make much
We long for your throne-room, there to abide.

We are hungry for the bread of life
We are thirsty for salvation's cup
To taste and see and know the prize
Eternal praise we will lift up

As we partake of the soul's final feast
To dine with our perfect high priest
When you come for your bride
And we're taken inside
And celebration shall never decrease!

Oh how we long for your presence
There where our faith becomes sight
When we forever gaze on your beauty

There we will bask in your essence
With pleasure, with joy, and delight
Your glory manifest fully to see

We are hungry for the bread of life
We are thirsty for salvation's cup
To taste and see and know the prize
Eternal praise we will lift up

There our hungry hearts will be filled
There our thirsty souls will be drenched
There your glory we will behold
As we dine our desires are all quenched

As we partake of the soul's final feast
From the limits of flesh we're released
At the feast of the lamb
From eternity planned
And forever our joy will increase.

As we partake of the soul's final feast
To dine with our perfect high priest
When you come for your bride
And we're taken inside
At your banquet that never shall cease.

Meditation on a reading from Desiring God by John Piper
Psalm 37:4, Psalm 16:11, Psalm 27:4
September 16, 2018
Anthony Foster

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