Sunday, November 20, 2022

Living Proof

We hope in what we do not see
Trading feelings for the true
We reckon Your reality
We trust alone in You

No eye no ear, no heart
Has seen nor heard nor known
The glory which You shall impart
Though now our spirits groan
Let us gaze on what’s to come

The eternal weight of glory
Seems sometimes to be far off
But in our very present reality
Grace will always be enough

No eye no ear, no heart
Has seen nor heard nor known
The glory which You shall impart
Though now our spirits groan
Let us gaze on what’s to come

Adjust my life to the glorious truth
Transform my shortened sight
We trust your dying, living proof
As we walk in Your light

No eye no ear, no heart
Has seen nor heard nor known
The glory which You shall impart
Though now our spirits groan
Let us gaze on what’s to come

Anthony Foster 
November 20, 2022

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