The Word became flesh and in him is life
And that light is the life of men
The Word shines in darkness with glorious light
That the darkness cannot comprehend
Come to the light oh come to the light
Fall down in wonder at the glorious sight
He calls us from darkness and out of the night
Come to the Light this Christmas.
The forgiver of Sin came among us to live
And now his glory we have seen
He is all of glory, grace and truth he gives
He shows us what truth really means
Come to the light oh come to the light
Fall down in wonder at the glorious sight
He calls us from darkness and out of the night
Come to the Light this Christmas.
He shines forth to show true truth and grace
His shekina illumines the law
The Spirit of Truth is revealed in His face
So fall down in worship and awe
Come to the light oh come to the light
Fall down in wonder at the glorious sight
He calls us from darkness and out of the night
Come to the Light this Christmas.
John 1; John 18:37; 1 John 2:8; 1 John 1:5-10
December 23, 2023
Anthony Foster
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