Monday, October 14, 2024

The Greater Wonder

You spoke the Word and all the universe came to be

You set the planets in their orbits, divided earth from sky

You placed the man and woman in the garden with a tree

And when they fell they found true compassion  in your eye

You made a way and sent your Son to save the corrupt and lost

The Logos of creation took on human flesh and bone

You placed your righteousness for display upon a cruel cross

And conquered death and raised Christ to your throne


Who You are has made me what I am

All there is, is there because of You

Yet to know and understand you is your sweet command

And your precious presence  forever I’ll pursue

You showed us what your Love is and what we are to do.

You have revealed your very self, you are all that’s good and true

So amazed and astounded in Your glory where  I stand

Your mighty works are too wondrous to comprehend

But you are the greater wonder, You are  the Great I Am

You are Alpha and Omega, The beginning and the end


Who You are has made me what I am

All there is, is there because of You

Yet to know and understand you is your sweet command

And your precious presence  forever I’ll pursue

You showed us what your love is and what we are to do.

You are the greater wonder, you are all that’s good and true

In Deuteronomy 32:10

Jeremiah 9:24-25

October 14, 2024

Anthony Foster

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