Friday, November 30, 2012

2003 was a very good year for songs

The Gifts

I will give to you, Lord, of my gold,
The possessions that I have known
Though all I hold precious comes from your hand
You’ll be my true treasure alone.

I will bring to you my frankencense
Smell this incense of worship, my Lord
As a sweet smelling sacrifice
My life in love will be outpoured…

For as all good gifts come down from above
By the Fathe r of Lights we are blessed
He gives His all so we might live in His love
And we will be wise men if we give Him our best.

I will offer my gift of pure myrhh
For like  myrhh my life will be crushed
A daily death dying to self and to pride
I will honor you with all my trust

For as all good gifts come down from above
By the Father of Lights we are blessed
He gives His all so we might live in His love
And we will be wise men if we give Him our best.

Anthony Foster
December 25, 2003

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