Thursday, November 25, 2021


In the midst of devastation
There is only one foundation
A solid rock on which to stand
Written on the Savior’s hand

In the storm and through the trial
Christ will hold you all the while
In his firm and strong embrace
There’s refuge in all that you face

Keeper of hearts, savior of souls
Renewer of minds, all the world He controls 
He is the  warrior for all the weak
Strength He provides unto all those who seek.

In the trouble of the day
Christ will guard you all the way
In the darkness of the night
Your soul is shielded in the fight

Though your mind and body fail
Sickness, pain and fears assail
Though sin’s harvest you may reap
Trust Him and your heart he’ll keep

Keeper of hearts, Renewer of minds,
Savior of souls, seek him and you shall find
Refuge in life and from  death your defense
Mercy and Grace for each one who repents

Keeper of hearts, savior of souls
Renewer of minds, all the world He controls 
He is the  warrior for all the weak
Strength He provdes unto all those who seek.

Anthony Foster
Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2021

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