Wednesday, November 3, 2021

My Redeemer Lives

I know that my Redeemer lives
I know that I will see Him on that day
He hears my prayer and He forgives
He paid the cost I could not pay

I know my possession He has gained
Bought with a price, I am His own
The cup of wrath is fully drained
For all my sin He has atoned

Oh My Redeemer ever Lives He ever lives to intercede 
Oh My redeemer ever Lives Before the throne my case He pleads

Redeemed by His blood, behold the lamb
By His own blood my sin’s erased
Ransomed now I can take my stand
Boldly before the throne of grace

From sin’s slave market I was bought
Bought with a price I could not pay
Now I take captive every thought
With heart soul and mind I will obey

Oh My Redeemer ever Lives He ever lives to intercede 
Oh My redeemer ever Lives Before the throne my case He pleads

My redeemer, He shall ever stand
He’ll stand at last upon the earth
He is the Suffering Risen lamb
He is of all surpassing worth

He alone the scroll can take
Only He can open up its seals
He who was slain for our sake
Redeems us by the blood that heals

Oh My Redeemer ever Lives He ever lives to intercede 
Oh My redeemer ever Lives Before the throne my case He pleads

Job 19:25, Rev 5: 8-14
Anthony Foster
November 2, 2021

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