Monday, March 14, 2022

Come in Faith, Poor Pilgrim (The Triumph Is Sure)

Though we’re one little light shining in some darkened place

Nothing done in the cause of this kingdom is in vain.

The triumph is sure  as we run the holy race

For our God is the Mighty One who rules and reigns!

Come in faith, come in faith, poor pilgrim

To the banquet on God’s holy mountain.

Come in faith, come in faith, you pilgrim

Come drink deeply from the living fountain

The reproach of God’s people nevermore shall be 

See  the veil of sorrow finally severed

For death shall be swallowed up in victory

And trials and tears shall be gone forever.

Come in faith, come in faith poor pilgrim

To the banquet on God’s holy mountain.

Come in faith, come in faith you pilgrim

Come drink deeply from the living fountain


For the triumph is sure, the vict’ry is secure

For the fear of the Lord will rule the nations

God will be glorified –He’ll no longer be defied 

As they taste of the Gospel of salvation…

Though we’re one little light shining in some darkened place

Nothing done in the cause of this kingdom is in vain.

The triumph is sure  as we run the holy race

For our God is the One who rules and reigns!

Come in faith, come in faith poor pilgrim

To the banquet on God’s holy mountain.

Come in faith, come in faith you pilgrim

Come drink deeply from the living fountain!

Isaiah 25:3

March 14, 2022

Anthony Foster 

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