Sunday, March 2, 2025

On Holy Ground

In the presence of the Lord we are blessed

To partake of His very righteousness

My every gain comes from His loss

My Sin was with Him on the cross

He did not see decay and on the third day

He rose victorious over death and the grave

And now His righteousness yields our holiness

The Holy Lamb was raised so we are saved

We take our stand on Holy Ground

And all who believe are now glory bound

Beneath His wings our perfect peace is found

In the presence of the Lord

He was made poor that we might be made rich

The great exchange creates a cosmic switch

We are made righteous, justified

So at the end of days we shall be glorified. 

For now the holy One, the beloved Son

Fulfilled the way for us to enter in

The veil was torn and we are reborn

In Him death died so we are dead to sin

We take our stand on Holy Ground

And all who believe are now glory bound

Beneath His wings our perfect peace is found

In the presence of the Lord

March 2, 2025

Anthony Foster

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