Saturday, March 1, 2025

Rest and Rejoice

Rest and rejoice, now saints of the Lord

Casting all of our burdens on Christ

Rest and rejoice, as God turns our hearts toward

The Savior and Shepherd- the One sacrifice

Lord, lead us beside the still waters

The place where your love overflows

Keep us and guide us-your sons and your daughters

As you save us from all of our foes

Rest and rejoice, ye children of light

Bask in the glow of our God’s grace

His glory shows forth to give us new sight

As we’re resting in  Jesus’ embrace

Lord, calm all our worries and turmoil

Overcome lingering unbelief

Plough our hearts and turn the good soil

And to our fallow ground give relief


You weary and you heavy laden

Come unto the Savior today

Come out of the darkness you’ve stayed in

For your rest and joy Christ has made a way

Rest and rejoice you who labor long

Take joy that in Christ you repose

And in righteous respite give rise to a song

That only the redeemed heart knows 

For you know the Lord inhabits our praise

So take courage and lift up your voice

Eternal joy comes at the end of our days

And is now if we rest and rejoice.

Eternal joy comes at the end of our days

And is now if we rest and rejoice.

Matthew 11:28; Psalm 4:8;

Psalm 55:22; Psalm 16:11;

March 1, 2025

Anthony Foster

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