Monday, December 14, 2020

Beneath the Christmas Sky

400 hundred years of silence Is broken by a cry
A baby is born in Bethlehem-Beneath the Christmas sky.
A child has come into the world-In a cattle trough he lies
And now he sleeps there, silently-Beneath the Christmas sky

The shepherds and the angels-All wonder at the why
That glory should come down like this-our wisdom to defy
He came to pay the price of Sin-Sent from above to die
The prophecy’s fulfilled this night Beneath the Christmas sky

Here he lies in a forlorn stable
Praised by the heavenly hosts
This little babe more than able
To save us to the uttermost
For His goings forth are from of old
He is the Christ that was foretold
And now he has become Emmanuel
God with us, for us, in us to dwell.

The heavens now break forth in Song-Glory to God most High
And angel armies all rejoice-Beneath the Christmas sky
The hope of all the World has dawned-Salvation has drawn nigh
Glory is clothed in human flesh-Beneath the Christmas sky.

Anthony Foster
December 14, 2020

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