Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Are you Ready?

Do you know you need a Savior tonight?
Are you desperately seeking in the dark for the light?
Are you ready to have him meet your need
For redemption and forgiveness and to be freed?
Are you ready to examine your heart and soul?
Are you ready to give God total control?
Into the way everlasting He will lead
If you are ready to confess your great need.

Are you ready? He has prepared the Way
Are you Ready? For the glorious day
Ready for the coming of the conquering King
Be prepared for the reward that He’ll bring
Be prepared  to hear the Heavens sing!

Are you ready to put Jesus first
After the Lord to hunger and thirst?
Are you anticipating the King to arrive
Are you ready your soul to revive?
Are you ready to live in the Word?
To warm your self in the fire of the Lord?
If you’re ready gather round that refining fire
And He will become your heart’s desire.

Are you ready? He has prepared the Way
Are you Ready? For the glorious day
Ready for the coming of the conquering King
Be prepared for the reward that He’ll bring
Be prepared  to hear the Heavens sing

Jeremiah 23:29
Luke 1:16–17
December 1, 2020
Anthony Foster

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