Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Christmas Prayer

Some may pray for the end of wars to bring a peace on earth
But the peace they need is peace with God and life for all its worth
Now Christmas brings a promised child who is the Prince of Peace
For peace is now a person so let all your striving cease

And so this is my hope for you this is my Christmas prayer
That you might find your hope in Him who came our sins to bear
To receive a Sovereign Savior and sanctified release
He is the way the truth the life-the only path to peace.

So rest in the peace of Jesus Rest from your enmity
Come sit at His table Tho you’ve been an enemy
Come home to the Father who has laid aside his wrath
And find  the very thing you need  in Calvary’s aftermath.

And so this is my hope for you this is my Christmas prayer
That you might find your hope in Him and love beyond compare
To receive the Mighty love of Christ the  love that can’t be severed
He is the way the truth the life-the fountain of forever.

Anthony Foster
December 15, 2020

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