Thursday, November 25, 2021

Days of Thanksgiving

Lord with our gratitude may we glorify You
As we acknowledge Your every good gift
Nothing we bring to the altar built by You
Living sacrifices we would your Name uplift

Lord may these days be days of thanksgiving
We lift our praise to the giver of grace
May we bring glory to You while we’re living
Make our praise glorious here in this place

With hearts of neediness may we pursue you
Set us aflame with a fire in our bones
Light up the world with the sacrifice due you
Taking our cross and following you alone.

Ultimate praise from a heart of thanksgiving
For ultimate mercy sent down from above
Gratitude flowing from dead men now living
Now drinking deep from the fountain of love

Lord may this day be a day of thanksgiving
We lift our praise to the giver of grace
May we bring glory to You while we’re living
Make our praise glorious here in this place

Thanksgiving Day
November 25, 2021
Anthony Foster

Help Us

Help us trust in you Lord
Help us trust in you
You are faithful you are true
Help us trust in you

Help us love like you Lord
Help us love like you
in all I say, In all I do,
Help us love like you

Help us give like you Lord,
Help us give like you
As we give you will renew
Help us give like you

Help us to forgive Lord
To forgive like you
Let mercy lead  and see us through
Help us forgive like you.

Help us be like you Lord
Help us be like you
Your likeness become conformed to
Help us live like you.
Help us love like you
Help us trust in you

Anthony Foster
Thanksgiving Day 2021


In the midst of devastation
There is only one foundation
A solid rock on which to stand
Written on the Savior’s hand

In the storm and through the trial
Christ will hold you all the while
In his firm and strong embrace
There’s refuge in all that you face

Keeper of hearts, savior of souls
Renewer of minds, all the world He controls 
He is the  warrior for all the weak
Strength He provides unto all those who seek.

In the trouble of the day
Christ will guard you all the way
In the darkness of the night
Your soul is shielded in the fight

Though your mind and body fail
Sickness, pain and fears assail
Though sin’s harvest you may reap
Trust Him and your heart he’ll keep

Keeper of hearts, Renewer of minds,
Savior of souls, seek him and you shall find
Refuge in life and from  death your defense
Mercy and Grace for each one who repents

Keeper of hearts, savior of souls
Renewer of minds, all the world He controls 
He is the  warrior for all the weak
Strength He provdes unto all those who seek.

Anthony Foster
Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2021


Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord
For You have revealed your self to us
Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord
In your more sure Word we trust

You are faithful , you are true
Thank You Lord, Thank You
We lift our hearts in gratitude
A beautiful beatitude!

Not only for blessings outpoured
Not just for gifts that you provide
But for your very presence Lord
In which we live and we abide.

You are faithful , you are true
Thank You Lord, Thank You
We lift our hearts in gratitude
A beautiful beatitude!

Thank you for our very breath
Thank you for our Hope in death
Thank you for our eternal home
Thank you that your Kingdom comes

You are faithful , you are true
Thank You Lord, Thank You
We lift our hearts in gratitude
A beautiful beatitude!

Anthony Foster
Thanksgiving Day 
November 25, 2021


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Man of Sorrows, Glorious King

For the joy that was before you set
You incurred the world’s SIN debt
You bore the burden of our blame 
You despised the sorrowful shame
Man of Sorrows , what a cost
When our anguish became your loss.
Grief and misery you knew
Suffering servant, woe to you!

Man of Sorrows, King of Glory,  Through your death there is victory
Man of sorrows, Glorious King Of the Lamb and the Lion we sing!

Humiliation  laid you down
You bore the cross and gained the crown
As the Godhead had conceived
Exaltation you received
Lamentation to exaltation
Christ arose for our Salvation
Now at the Father’s right hand 
He sits enthroned and so we stand.

Man of Sorrows, King of Glory,  Through your death there is victory
Man of sorrows, Glorious King Of the Lamb and the Lion we sing!

Man of Sorrows,  King of Glory
To you we lift our offeratory
Songs of joy and hope and praise
All to You we humbly raise
King of Glory, Sovereign 
Majestic Monarch You shall reign
Royal Ruler on your throne
All Dominion is yours alone.

Man of Sorrows, King of Glory,  Through your death there is victory
Man of sorrows, Glorious King Of the Lamb and the Lion we sing!

Anthony Foster

November 13, 2021 

People of the Cross

We are the people of the Cross
We fellowship within our loss
For we know our loss is gain
For Christ has made the great exchange
We are the people of the Cross
We receive these gifts and know their cost
Faith, Adoption, justification
Sanctification reconciliation

Receive Christ, the gift of Grace
Hear and heed Him now by faith
The contrite heart he will uplift
For He Himself is the glorious gift

Now sense the Holy Spirit speak
When His Kingdom first you seek
Union with Jesus now affords 
Amazing glories and rewards
Beyond all worldly powers and wealth
Christ gives to us His Very Self
So in His presence now abide
Beneath His shelter e’er to  hide.

Receive Christ, the gift of Grace
Hear and heed Him now by faith
The contrite heart he will uplift
For He Himself is the glorious gift

Anthony Foster
November 13, 2021

Thursday, November 11, 2021

This Holy House

We boast and hope in Jesus Christ
We inhabit holy ground
One day with Him in paradise
But now we are earthbound

Jesus built the holy house of faith
With timbers stained with blood
Built on this rock His house by grace
Will stand against the flood

This holy house will never fall 
Christ will protect His own
No  pow’r on earth can ruin our walls 
For He is our cornerstone

We occupy before we leave
To  see Him face to face
We are his household who believe
For Jesus built this place

Our builder and our owner rules
He reigns and He provides
He made a dwelling-place for fools
Who in this house abide.

This holy house will never fall 
Christ will protect His own
No  pow’r on earth can ruin our walls 
For He is our cornerstone

Hebrews 3:6; Ephesians 2:19– 21
November 12, 2021
Anthony Foster

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Blood Earnest

The radiance of  glory fills this place
Apprehend now it in Jesus’ face.
God’s promises He fulfills as complete
So come cast yourself before  the mercy seat!
Oh come to the throne of grace.

Oh come to the throne of grace.
Child don’t neglect the Father’s embrace
The goal of His work grows and grows
We come, blood earnest, as joy overflows!
Oh come to the throne of grace.

Oh, to be blood earnest about sin, wrath, and hell,
Atonement and the grace of the Gospel as well
With sober sound joy, we with urgency tell
We tell of the Gospel of Grace!

Oh come to the throne of grace.
Child don’t neglect the Father’s embrace
The goal of His work grows and grows
We come, blood earnest, as joy overflows!
Oh come to the throne of grace!
Oh come to the throne of grace!
Oh come to the throne of grace!

November 6, 2021
Anthony Foster

Hour of Need (Perfect Timing)

God’s grace comes to us in its perfect time
His well-timed help is always His design
We have this prevailing confidence
All times to Him are in present tense

A moment away or a month or a year
When the number is filled all will become clear
For he is there always not just when we bleed.
Jesus is there in our greatest hour of need

We have precious promises God will fulfill
We trust what ‘s permitted or ordained by His will
For our Savior Jesus lives to ever intercede
And he’s there in our greatest hour of need.

He set  all of times by His authority
There’s no time to fret for our inadequacy
Our times are in his precious scarred hand
So with confidence we can wait on His plan

Prayer is the entryplace where we can find
The faithful facts that forge all of time
He works it together  while He holds us fast.
In His perfect timing all will come to past

For every hour our neediness grows
That only His presence can fill here below
He ministers to our hearts and our souls
Every hour is an hour of need here below

Hebrews 4:16 , Acts 1:7, Psalm 90:4, Acts 17:26, Psalm 31:15
November 6, 2021
Anthony Foster

Such a Great Salvation

Almighty God, our creator
You are the inexhaustible treasure
There is no One above or greater
You are the Love beyond all measure

We are forgiven as we confess
Now we stand boldly at your throne
The free gift of righteousness 
You’ve imputed by faith to your own

You bestow your favor-We raise strong ovations
Such a Great Great Savior-Such a Great Salvation
You bestow your favor-We raise strong ovations
Such a Great Great Savior-Such a Great Salvation

Christ’s life was the sacrifice
He alone walked Calvary’s path
On the cross He paid the price
To remove all of God’s wrath 

The indwelling Spirit He sent 
To show we are reconciled 
So we fellowship with our friend 
To stand firm under God’s smile.

You bestow your favor-We raise strong ovations
Such a Great Great Savior-Such a Great Salvation
You bestow your favor-We raise strong ovations
Such a Great Great Savior-Such a Great Salvation

Anthony Foster 
November 6, 2021

Friday, November 5, 2021

Dying Prayer

Lord this might be my dying day
Lord see me through by grace I pray
Whether I go, or if I stay
Your purposes, fulfill
Lord I trust in your Will.

Lord this may be my dying night
I won’t fear death or live in fright
For then as now I’ll walk in light
Though winds may blow most ill
Still I trust in your Will

Lord if  I come to lose my health
Lord if I waste my time and wealth
Lord, teach me how to die to self
Rebuke me Lord until
I come to trust your will

In true pleasure or in pain
To live is Christ, to die is gain
Yet life will never be in vain
Days with your presence fill
As I come to know Your will.

Lord when it comes my time to die
Let no regret nor sin nor lie
Abide within me, bye and bye
As courage you instill
Lord help me trust your Will

Lord when I leave this earthly vail
Give me grace that faith  won’t fail
Though doubts, temptations may assail
Lord you will keep me still
As I trust in Your will.

November 5, 2021
Anthony Foster

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Lord of the Unknown (We Will Wait)

When circumstances mystify
When we with wonder, wonder why
You hear our confounded hearts cry

Yet you’re still on your throne
When all our plans the world frustrates
We find ourselves amidst dire straits
We remember blessed is one who waits
On the Lord of the unknown.

We will wait, though it is late
For your glory to be outpoured
In your time and by your design
We will wait on the Lord
We will wait for you will work together
All these things for our good
This brings you glory as you endeavor
And this be as it should

When we’re ruled by anxiety
When we are governed by worry
If we wait you set us free
Though dreams be turned to dust
We know you have a better plan
Even though we may not understand
We know you hold us in Your hand
In You Lord we will trust

Lord you do all things with perfect timing
Every season has it’s own perfected time
Only you Lord know the reasons that you’re rhyming
So we will trust in You Lord for the rhyme

We will wait, though it is late
For your glory to be outpoured
In your time and by your design
We will wait on the Lord
We will wait for you will work together
All these things for our good
This brings you glory as you endeavor
And this be as it should

Romans 8:28; Isaiah 40:31;Psalm 27:14
Anthony Foster
November 4, 2021

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Fix Your Eyes

Fix your eyes upon the Son
Set your mind on things above
You will find when day is done
You’ve been kept in arms of Love
Fix your eyes upon the King
Taking captive every thought
Fallen strongholds then will sing
Of the peace His blood has bought

We are now His new creation We are now  the kingdom priests
Lift your hearts in jubilation Ever see His fame increased

Fix your eyes on the worthy one
Power and riches He shall reave.
Wisdom, strength, honor to the Son
Glory and blessing  He’ll receive 
Fix your eyes upon the glory
That once we had failed to see
Could not comprehend his story
Lost in this world’s fantasy

We are now His new creation We are now  the kingdom priests
Lift your hearts in jubilation Ever see His fame increased

Whatever’s noble, whatever’s true
Whatever is pure, whatever’s right,
Whatever’s lovely, of good virtue
On the praiseworthy set our sights
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus
The perfector of our faith
As the unseen truth will seize us
And conform us by His grace

We are now His new creation We are now  the kingdom priests
Lift your hearts in jubilation Ever see His fame  increased
We are now His new creation We are now  the kingdom priests
Lift your hearts in jubilation Ever see His fame increased

Revelation 5, Col 3:2, 2 Cor 4:18, Heb 12:2, Phil 4:8
November 3, 2021
Anthony Foster

My Redeemer Lives

I know that my Redeemer lives
I know that I will see Him on that day
He hears my prayer and He forgives
He paid the cost I could not pay

I know my possession He has gained
Bought with a price, I am His own
The cup of wrath is fully drained
For all my sin He has atoned

Oh My Redeemer ever Lives He ever lives to intercede 
Oh My redeemer ever Lives Before the throne my case He pleads

Redeemed by His blood, behold the lamb
By His own blood my sin’s erased
Ransomed now I can take my stand
Boldly before the throne of grace

From sin’s slave market I was bought
Bought with a price I could not pay
Now I take captive every thought
With heart soul and mind I will obey

Oh My Redeemer ever Lives He ever lives to intercede 
Oh My redeemer ever Lives Before the throne my case He pleads

My redeemer, He shall ever stand
He’ll stand at last upon the earth
He is the Suffering Risen lamb
He is of all surpassing worth

He alone the scroll can take
Only He can open up its seals
He who was slain for our sake
Redeems us by the blood that heals

Oh My Redeemer ever Lives He ever lives to intercede 
Oh My redeemer ever Lives Before the throne my case He pleads

Job 19:25, Rev 5: 8-14
Anthony Foster
November 2, 2021