Tuesday, February 6, 2024


Worthy art thou oh Lord our God

To receive glory, honor and might

Worthy art thou oh Lord our God

Receive our worship as we walk in Your light

Exalted over the heavens

Exalted over the earth

You rose from the dead and ascended on high

Now we declare your astonishing worth

Worthy art thou oh Lord our God

To receive glory, honor and might

Worthy art thou oh Lord our God

Receive our worship as we walk in Your light


You have created, created all things

And by Your word they consist

Gladly we bring our offerings

May our praises ever persist

Now reigning with God the Father

You rule oer the universe

You are like unto none other

You are both last and the first

Worthy art thou oh Lord our God

To receive glory, honor and might

Worthy art thou oh Lord our God

Receive our worship as we walk in Your light

February 6, 2024

Anthony Foster

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