Thursday, June 20, 2024

All the Treasures

All the treasures in this world
that move my heart to sing

Are the souls that decorate my life,
not worldly offerings

All the treasures of my life 

are given from above

They cannot be either bought or sold, 

they’re lingering in love

All the treasures that I own 

are the precious loves of mine

My wife and kids and family 

transcending space and time

Even pleasures I’ve been spared, 

the times I never knew

Will one day be revealed to me 

what I’m saved from and saved to

All the treasures, without measure

Are more than this world sees.

Oh the pleasures of my treasures

I am satisfied in these

For beyond this earthly sphere 

there are treasures yet unseen

There where my Lord has prepared 

place for the redeemed

Earthy treasures can’t compare 

to the treasure in my soul

That’s where eternity resides-

Christ my reason and my goal

For the greatest gift of all 

the pearl of matchless price

Is bound up in the Lord above 

and His final sacrifice

All the treasures of my life 

are given from above

They cannot be either bought or sold, 

they’re lingering in love

All the treasures, without measure

Are more than this world sees.

Oh the pleasures of my treasures

I am satisfied in these.

They're more than this world sees.

I am satisfied in these.

June 20, 2024 (first day of summer)

Anthony Foster

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