Monday, June 24, 2024

Seed, Vine, and Tree

The Seed of the Woman Is Abraham’s Seed

The One Living Vine Will meet your greatest need

For Christ is the True Vine His branches are we

His life giving Spirit Flows through You and me

The Seed of the woman born by virgin birth

Not by man’s but by God’s will came to Earth

Planted here among us in wisdom He grew

And proceeded to do what He was sent to do

The Seed of the Woman lay buried and dead

He rose up again to crush the serpent’s head

Gospel seeds we are sowing Upon Holy ground

Will spring forth with fruit That will ever abound.

Now seeds that are sown shall not live lest they die

To be raised in glory when the harvest grows nigh

The True Israel-God’s own begotten Son

Will gather the harvest When the Day is done

The Tree of Life's growing In Immanuel’s land

It grows where it’s planted by God’s very hand

For Christ is the Tree of Life and Jesse’s root

The Cross is His planting and we are His fruit

June 24, 2024

Anthony Foster

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